A Complete Guide to Choosing Your Best Kitchen Countertop

There is no doubt that the kitchen countertop is one of the most important elements of a modern kitchen design. First of all, it is a place where most of the cooking processes are carried out. Secondly, a properly selected material is an attractive element that fills the whole space with beauty and harmony, therefore making cooking a much more pleasant experience. That’s why a lot of people have difficulties choosing the right countertop because it has to be perfect in terms of both functionality and aesthetics.

Since a certain number of factors play a role in choosing countertop types, we did our best to make this journey easier for you. In our article, we will tell you about the basic requirements for the best kitchen countertop, what manufacturing materials are not only popular but also show their best capability, and when is the best time to install it in your kitchen.

Main factors for choosing a kitchen countertop

Several qualities are paramount when selecting top kitchen countertops:

  1. durability
  2. maintenance
  3. resistance to heat, stains, and scratches
  4. appearance
  5. price

Durability is the first and crucial aspect, as it ensures the long-term reliability of your kitchen countertop. The stronger and more resistant the material is to damage, the more timeless it will be.

The next requirement is resistance to heat, stains, and scratches. It determines how easy or difficult maintenance for your kitchen countertop is going to be, and an easy option is always preferable. Knowledge of the right cleaning methods and products will help you not only to save your countertop but make it even more functional and beautiful.

The choice of a color scheme in keeping with the style of the kitchen is also very important since you have been designing it for a long time and you want to look at the right shade of the chosen color. For example, white and light shades are very popular choices for colored countertops because it’s a classic look and they match well with any type of cabinet. If you prefer a darker palette, grey and black colors will make your kitchen stylish.

If all of the above correspond to your preferences, it is necessary to understand how much you can invest in the manufacturing and installation of the kitchen countertop. A carefully calculated budget will help to determine the appropriate price range for your kitchen project, ensuring that you stay within your financial means. If you want to be sure about your choice, you can ask for an estimate from different companies and compare the estimates.

Now let's take a look at each factor more properly to understand their importance, making your choice easier.

1.1 Durability

Almost all known materials for kitchen countertops match this criteria, so your choice will depend on how you are going to use your countertop and take care of it. 

Stones like quartz, granite, and marble are considered one of the best countertop choices due to their toughness, but each of them has a different level of resistance to mechanical damage and scratches. Quartz is considered the strongest stone and because of that, this countertop type is going to be almost indestructible for kitchen use. Quartzite is almost as durable as quartz, the only difference being that it is a natural stone.

Man-produced materials like Dekton and Fenix are also popular kitchen countertops because of their durability. Dekton is highly resistant to scratches and abrasions and can be damaged only by a very strong impact. The good news is cracks in Dekton countertops can be easily repaired. Fenix is also not vulnerable to scratches and doesn’t leave any fingerprints on its surface. However, if you want to keep its aesthetic looks for longer, it needs to be neatly and caringly used.

Metal is also a good material for kitchen countertops, and stainless steel is the most common and recurrent example. Its quality is so high and its solid surface is so reliable the durability of steel can rival quartz and marble. No wonder these countertops are widely used in the kitchens of restaurants and other establishments.

Opting for a durable countertop is also very cost-effective, as it eliminates the need for frequent replacements.

1.2 Maintenance of kitchen countertop

Few people like to spend a lot of time cleaning than they are supposed to, so when choosing a kitchen countertop, it is important to consider which material is least susceptible to various damages, which makes it easy to take care of.

The easiest material to take care of would be stainless steel. One of the most hygienic materials for the kitchen countertop, it usually needs warm water and some soap to clean and dry the surface with a towel afterward. Though stainless steel is highly resistant to food and drink stains, it’s always a bit of good advice to wipe them as soon as possible.

Stone countertops are surprisingly easily maintained as well, but you need to pay attention to what special treatment each of them requires. For example, using citrus cleaners for marble kitchen countertops isn't recommended because chemicals can influence the stone and damage it. While quartz doesn’t need sealing, quartzite is recommended to be re-sealed once or twice a year. Mild dish soap is usually a good cleaner to have in your kitchen. To use a cloth or a brush also depends on the material.

Either way, the chosen material will require care and caution in handling, which will certainly make the maintenance simple and time-saving.

1.3 Resistance to heat and stains

The high resistance allows the kitchen countertop to withstand any load of work in the kitchen with no effect on the structure or form of the material. Because many cooking processes connected

Dekton and Fenix countertops proudly boast their heat resistance. The last one is known as “thermo-laminate” material, which means that heat can be useful for the maintenance of the kitchen countertop. Due to this special quality, it basically “heals” itself. Fenix is also resistant to dry heat, so you don’t need to be afraid to put hot dishes on its surface. The same goes for Dekton, which cannot be damaged even by the fire. The other material that is extremely resistant to heat is stainless steel.

When it comes to stain resistance, it is best to pay attention to stainless steel for your kitchen, because its non-porous surface does not allow liquids to penetrate the structure of the material, so bacteria and mold won’t damage it. If we go back to Dekton and Fenix, these materials also proved to be highly resistant to any kind of moisture due to their structural characteristics. That makes them a popular choice for a kitchen countertop as well.

If you want a countertop with high resistance but prefer stone as a material for your kitchen, in this case, quartz is recommended. Although it is stain-resistant, it is not entirely stain-proof. The usual spill of coffee, tea, or wine can leave stains on the surface, but they are easily removed with soapy water and cloth.

1.4 Appearance of kitchen countertop

If you have decided on the overall design and color scheme of your kitchen, this point will become simple.

Quartz countertops can be available in a variety of colors with an addition of pigment. The interesting thing is with special design it can imitate other stones, like granite or marble. Quartzite is usually white or gray but can be colorful due to the presence of minerals in its structure. White marble is a very popular countertop choice not only because of its beauty but also because of its practicality, although it isn’t the only shade or color accessible.

Dekton and Fenix countertops have a rich palette of colors. While Dekton surfaces tend to vary from glossy to matte, Fenix is always extremely matte and plain, but its colors are deep and bright.

Stainless steel is shiny and sleek, but it’s not just a usual and simple metallic look. This material can be provided with different finishes, like brushed, mirror, and matte.

The taste and knowledge of fashion certainly help with a choice; however, the most important thing here is your feeling. The right color creates the right mood in your kitchen and may even make the appetite bigger. That's how an organized combination of design and color will create a coherent and harmonious kitchen that truly reflects your personal style.

1.5 Countertop prices

Be sure to consider budgeting when choosing a kitchen countertop. While some materials may cost more than others, they can offer better quality and long-term use, saving you from additional costs in the future.

The most expensive materials for kitchen countertops on our list are quartz, Dekton, and Fenix because of their high quality, strong characteristics, and long life span. If you want your kitchen to have a luxury and elegant look, but at a more affordable price, quartzite is an excellent choice. Some materials can vary from cheap to expensive, like marble, depending on their type and capability. Stainless steel has the lowest price start, and it can go higher only if you want your kitchen to be more professional, but still considered one of the budget countertops. If you want to stick to a cheaper option, your choice is prefabricated stainless steel.

Consider all the features of the material that you prioritize for your kitchen when making your final decision. Remember that you can always seek the advice of an expert who can help you choose the right kitchen countertop pricing.

2. Popular materials for kitchen countertops

Now that we've covered the main factors for choosing a kitchen countertop with some comparisons, you can see how the materials can be both similar and different in their functionality and suitability. That’s why we will take a look at each of these materials in more detail and learn about them a bit more.

2.1 Quartz

Quartz is known to be the best stone for kitchen countertops. It is a combination of natural stone with chemical resins and synthetic elements. And since there is much more natural stone (93%) in the composition of the material, this indicates its durability and strength. Thanks to the possibility of adding pigment, quartz can be in different colors and shades, which will not limit the choice for the kitchen design.

This stone countertop is easy to care for; all you need is a cloth and a cleaning agent. Quartz may be a little more expensive than other materials, but its luxurious look will add elegance to your kitchen. However, quartz does have a weakness, and that is high temperatures. The chemical composition of the material, which is responsible for its durability, is nevertheless not immune to damage caused by hot dishes, but this can be avoided with care.

So, if your kitchen needs a sense of luxury and style combined with long-lasting use, then a quartz kitchen countertop is your option.

2.2. Quarzite

Unlike quartz, it is 100 percent natural stone. At the same time, it is underestimated among other materials for kitchen countertops, which is frankly for nothing. Firstly, quartzite is one of the hardest stones, harder than granite, so it is not threatened by mechanical damage.

Quartzite is also characterized by high resistance to ultraviolet light, so it is quite suitable for kitchens in nature. However, as in the case of quartz, you need to be careful when it comes to high temperatures. Quartzite doesn't have the lowest resistance to heat, but it's not the highest either, so extra dish racks may be necessary.

Quartzite for kitchen countertops will suit you because of its durability and natural composition. With proper care, this material will last for many years. It is also worth adding that quartzite is affordable.

2.3. Marble

It is a beautiful material, stylish, and spectacular; it turns a kitchen into a work of art. But what about the qualities? It is a natural stone that, like others, can be durable in its use. However, marble has several features that you should be aware of. First of all, its surface is porous, and stains can remain after spills, so they should be wiped off as soon as possible. Regular cleaning is very beneficial for this material. Marble is also good for the kitchen countertop because it maintains a naturally low temperature and is ideal for baking.

If aesthetics mean more to you than practicality and you are willing to invest in constant and thorough care, marble is the right material for your kitchen.

2.4. Dekton

The novelty whose popularity grows every day, this material is a mixture of elements such as quartz, porcelain, and glass. It is made up of 20 natural components that are joined together through a unique process called "sintered particle technology." During this process, metamorphic changes take place, and the product is subjected to pressure and high-temperature treatment.

Our company has been working with this material for a long time and consistently recommends Dekton for kitchen countertops, and here's why. The quartz component gives it the strength needed for countertops while being much more resistant to water stains than porcelain. You don't have to worry about putting a frying pan on Dekton because this surface will be ready for the highest temperatures. However, this material is not immune to dents and cracks when used carelessly. Dekton is also not repairable, except in very minor cases. In all others, the surface will have to be replaced completely.

Thanks to its exquisite stone pattern, the Dekton kitchen countertop fits perfectly into Scandinavian and Nordic kitchen designs.

2.5. Fenix

This material is manufactured in Italy by Arpa Industriale and has become one of the trending materials on the market due to its innovative nature. It is created by laminating paper under high pressure, using unique acrylic resins and electron beam curing technology. The result is a homogeneous, high-density countertop material with a matte effect.

Although the majority of Fenix's composition is paper, the material is resistant to moisture, which makes it perfect for the kitchen countertop. It can also be easily repaired from scratches by heating. Even though the surface is matte, it is soft to the touch and does not leave fingerprints. However, careful care is required for such countertops. If, for example, the surface is not wiped clean in time from grease stains, they will be embedded in the structure of the material and it will be very difficult to remove them afterward. However, as with previous materials, careful handling solves everything.

Internationally awarded and loved by the public, Fenix is an innovative material for a reason. Produced with a creative approach, it transforms a simple kitchen into a modern and aesthetic one, and our customers are often interested in this material when choosing a countertop to make their kitchen a place of creativity. 

2.6. Stainless Steel

If you use stainless steel cookware, you can imagine how a kitchen countertop made of this material will look and be used. With its smooth and timeless finish, it is a real find for lovers of unpretentious kitchen design and practical use. The material has great durability and maintains a smooth surface against all kinds of wear and tear and exposure over a long time.

Don't be quick to assume that metal will look worse than marble or quartz. The sleek and shiny surface of the stainless countertops complements various kitchen designs and harmonizes with different colors and materials. To maintain the integrity of stainless steel countertops, it is essential to refrain from using acid-based cleaning agents during upkeep. A damp cloth and regular wiping are sufficient. It is also best to use a stand, as excessive heat can damage the surface.

3. Preparation and Installation

Once you have selected the material and design for your kitchen countertop, you may be curious about the best time to proceed with the installation during the renovation process.

Before kitchen countertop renovation professional contractors often prefer to wait for the flooring and cabinets to be installed and until all the appliances arrive. Even if the devices come with the standard dimensions, you can never know exactly how things will fit until you see their position within the selected design. If you want your kitchen to look perfect, you need to be sure the countertop blends with other stuff perfectly.

The measurements are then carried out, which should be in accurate accordance with the cabinet where the countertop will be mounted as well as other elements present in the design. After the size of the kitchen countertop is established, the chosen material is manufactured within 3 weeks. Some of the materials can be produced at the same time as base cabinets, like Fenix. 

When the countertop is ready, contractors arrive to install it at a convenient time for you and install it in your kitchen. It should be noted that with certain materials, installation processes may have some features. For example, the table can be set in parallel with the scales, which is very easy to repair.

4. Choosing the Right Expert and Purchasing Your Countertop

If you gain all the information you need to know about kitchen countertops, and the choice still seems hard to make, you can always seek professional advice. Choosing an expert may take extra time for research, but as with choosing a countertop, it should not be rushed. The right advice will always help you make the right choice. 

Our company deals not only with the organizational aspects of the production and installation of kitchen countertops but also provides professional consultations so that our customers can make a satisfying choice. All you need is to decide on a time that suits you best and schedule a meeting with our expert. During the meeting, you will discuss all your preferences in detail and ask all the necessary questions about the material and cost of the countertop installed. Our expert will provide detailed guidance on everything from ordering to installing it in your kitchen while accompanying you through the whole process.

Partnering with professionals, who are passionate about what they do, will ensure your vision and your choices for kitchen renovation, and turn your expectations into reality.

5. Conclusion

Choosing a kitchen countertop depends on many factors, so the most important advice is to consider the design according to your taste and needs carefully. Each of the presented materials has its own advantages and care requirements, and only careful and gentle use will allow your countertop to serve you for decades. By carefully assessing the quality and functionality of your chosen material, you will create a beautiful and luxurious space that will delight not only your family but also your guests. And food in such a kitchen will always be cooked with great pleasure.

July 17, 2024
6 min read
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