Your Guide to a Seamless Kitchen Remodel with Corner

Planning a complete kitchen remodel is an exciting venture, but it comes with its fair share of considerations. Whether you intend to stay in your home during the renovation or opt for a temporary residence, careful planning is essential. Here, we'll explore the key factors to consider when embarking on your kitchen transformation journey.

Living Through the Remodel

If you choose to remain in your home during the remodel, be prepared for some inconveniences. Expect takeout dinners to become your best friend, increased vacuuming rounds to combat dust, and the presence of workers in your living space regularly. It's essential to coordinate your daily life around the ongoing renovation.

On the other hand, if you prefer to reside elsewhere during the remodel, you should plan the project timing according to your schedule. Consider whether the summer months, when kids are out of school and you can take a vacation or send them to stay with grandparents or summer camps, would be the most convenient time. Also, factor in any busy work periods that may cause added stress if coinciding with a kitchen remodel. Ultimately, the best time for a kitchen remodel is the one that suits your family's needs.

Components of a Complete Kitchen Remodel

A comprehensive kitchen remodel involves several key components:

1. Layout: Reconfiguring the kitchen's floorplan.

2. Cabinets: Replacing or refurbishing existing cabinets.

3. Flooring: Upgrading or installing new flooring.

4. Countertops: Selecting and installing new countertops.

5. Lighting: Enhancing the kitchen's illumination.

6. Appliances: Updating or adding new appliances.

7. Walls: Addressing wall treatments and paint.

8. Plumbing: Ensuring plumbing infrastructure is in order.

9. Electrical: Overseeing electrical needs and updates.

10. Color Scheme: Choosing a cohesive color palette.

11. Design Elements: Incorporating design features and details.

During the design phase, you'll have the opportunity to assess each of these elements and decide which ones to modify or retain. Preserving certain aspects of your kitchen can add character while staying within budget or allowing for investments in other areas.

The Remodel Process

1. Design: Begin with the design process, which can be executed using various methods. You can utilize online kitchen design tools, hire a professional kitchen designer, or take on the design yourself. For substantial floorplan changes, it's advisable to engage a professional designer and general contractor to ensure the project's feasibility.

2. Contractor Selection: If you haven't already hired a contractor, now is the time to do so. Verify that they are licensed, bonded, and insured.

3. Demolition: Start by demolishing everything that needs replacement.

4. Infrastructure: Address electrical, HVAC, and plumbing infrastructure needs. Any necessary relocations, removals, or additions must be completed before proceeding.

5. Lighting: Once electrical work is done, focus on lighting.

6. Installation: The order of installation for flooring, cabinets, appliances, countertops, backsplashes, the kitchen sink, and paint will depend on your kitchen's design and your contractor's workflow.

Timeline for Completion

If you undertake a complete kitchen remodel on your own, the timeline will depend on the hours you can dedicate to the project each week. Balancing work, family, and other commitments can extend the project over several months or even a year.

Hiring a contractor typically results in a more streamlined schedule. On average, a kitchen renovation in the US takes around 6 to 8 weeks. For larger kitchens or more complex projects involving structural changes, expect a timeline of 10 to 12 weeks.

Why Hire a Professional Team

Opting for a professional team to realize your dream kitchen remodel is advisable. While it may involve a higher investment, the benefits are significant. A knowledgeable and creative team can help you make informed decisions, prevent costly mistakes, and enhance your overall experience. A well-executed kitchen remodel adds value to your home and improves your quality of life. Ensuring it's done correctly is crucial to avoid future problems. Working with professionals can also make the process more enjoyable.

Corner's Approach to Your Kitchen Remodel

Corner specializes in helping homeowners create spaces they adore. Our process involves capturing a 3D scan of your home and gathering precise measurements, followed by customizing a plan based on your needs. You'll receive three layout options with cost estimates to choose the one that suits you best. Then, we move on to the design phase, where you'll have access to numerous brands and one-on-one support. Finally, we prepare construction documents and collaborate with top-rated contractors, offering average savings of 40%. With Corner, your complete kitchen remodel can be budget-friendly, fun, and rewarding for years to come.

Ready to begin your kitchen remodel journey? Get started with Corner today!

June 2, 2024
6 min read
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